Billoo and Pasha Magician” is a thrilling and humorous comic from the beloved Billoo series by Pran. This story takes readers into a world of magic, where Billoo faces off with the mischievous magician, Pasha. Known for his cleverness and quick thinking, Billoo finds himself in amusing situations as he tries to outsmart the tricky magician. The comic is filled with vibrant illustrations, humour, and adventure, making it a favourite for both kids and adults. Pran’s storytelling captures the essence of fun and imagination, while the magical elements add an exciting twist to Billoo’s usual antics
About the Author
Pran saw a cartoon on a vegetable paper bag in his childhood and was inspired to make cartoons. He was inspired by his drawing teacher in school, who didn’t have a thumb, yet he could draw beautiful drawings. He used to take an hour’s nap in the afternoon. The youngest child of seven brothers and sisters, he loved the last chapatti his mother used to cook on challah. Crispy and perfectly cooked. Pran Ji never believed in God. He never went to Mandir or even prayed. He was a believer in humanity. After passing with distinction from Sir JJ School of Arts he didn’t get a job as a drawing teacher in school. That’s why he started drawing cartoons and created a legacy. He is perhaps the only cartoonist, who created more than 20 different cartoon characters, and each series is still running regularly in different newspapers every week. This he did single handedly.