‘Confessions of a Thug’ is a gripping tale set against the backdrop of British colonial India. This historical novel delves into the shadowy world of the cult, notorious for its ritualistic murders and highway robberies. This shocking true- crime account, based on the author’s experiences in colonial India, offers a thrilling glimpse into a hidden world. It is not only a riveting adventure story but also a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition. This timeless classic continues to captivate readers and illuminate the complexities of colonialism, crime, and power.It offers a thrilling glimpse into a hidden world. Confessions of a Thug will keep you riveted until the very last page. It holds historical significance as a literary work that provides insight into the social, cultural, and political landscape of colonial India during the 19th century.
About the Author
Philip Meadows Taylor (1808–1876) an Anglo-Irish author, best known for his pioneering work in depicting Indian life and culture during British colonial rule. Born in Liverpool, England, Taylor spent much of his life in India. Taylor continued to write about India throughout his career. Through his writing, Taylor sought to portray the diverse and complex societies of colonial India, shedding light on Indian culture and history that were little known or understood in the West.
Weight | 0.500 g |
Dimensions | 21.59 × 13.97 × 3.1 cm |
Author | Philip Meadows Taylor |
ISBN-13 | 9789354866197 |
ISBN-10 | 9354866190 |
Pages | 516 |
Format | Paperback |
Language | English |
Publisher | Diamond Books |
Flipkart | https://www.flipkart.com/confessions-of-a-thug/p/itmfbdfsvxgzbftx?pid=9789354866197 |
Fiction Books, Romance / Fantasy
Fiction Books, Romance / Fantasy