Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living - Selfhelp |Motivational|Personal Growth |Success book-0
Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living - Selfhelp |Motivational|Personal Growth |Success book-0
Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living - Selfhelp |Motivational|Personal Growth |Success book-0

Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living – Selfhelp |Motivational|Personal Growth |Success book-In Paperback

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

About the Book

Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living is a motivational and practical self-help book designed to unlock your mental and emotional potential.This book introduces you to the importance of positive thinking in life. Our thoughts are the foundation of our existence, and our lives are shaped by them. In this book, you will learn how positive thoughts can improve your life, while negative thoughts create difficulties. The book explains, in simple language, how positive thinking can free you from anger, frustration, and fear, leading you toward peace and success in life. One right thought can change your entire life!

About the Author

A human nature scholar and a commerce postgraduate from Delhi University, Surya Sinha is recognized today as a renowned human trainer and motivator, extending his reach beyond national boundaries. Known for his inspiring lectures at prestigious educational institutions, business establishments, and leadership development programs in various Indian cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata, Surya Sinha has authored numerous bestselling motivational books. He has published over a hundred authoritative articles on human behavior in various esteemed national and international journals and magazines. Additionally, his motivational audio cassettes on various subjects have made a significant impact on the market. Through his research and analysis of various aspects of memory, Surya Sinha has become a topic of interest nationwide, often featured in electronic and print media interviews. Besides being a human trainer and motivator, Surya Sinha is also a career and personality development coach.

What is the main purpose of Empowered Thinking, Empowered Living book?

Empowerment is the practice of motivating yourself or others to accomplish important goals or objectives. It helps enable people to take initiative, make decisions for themselves and solve complex problems.

What does empowerment mean and why is it important?

Empowerment means people having power and control over their own lives. People get the support they need that is right for them. Empowerment means that people are equal citizens. They are respected and confident in their communities. You can’t empower someone else or make someone empowered.

What topics does the book cover?

It covers mindset shifts, overcoming negativity, building resilience, and achieving life goals.

How do you apply empowerment in your life?

The following seven tips can help you achieve self-empowerment in your life-:1-Develop a Positive Attitude. 2-Set Reasonable Goals. 3-Surround Yourself with Positive People. 4-Practice Self-Care. 5-Use Positive Self-Talk. 6-Be Assertive. 7-Create an Action List.

What is empowerment in education?

Empowerment in education refers to the process of enabling students to have more control over their learning experiences, develop critical thinking skills, and become more independent learners. The purpose of empowerment is to provide students with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 g
Dimensions 21.59 × 13.97 × 1.4 cm

Surya Sinha








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