‘The Mill on the Floss’ is a famous novel by George Eliot. The novel depicts the lives of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, a brother and sister growing up at Dorlcote Mill on the bank of the River Floss. The novel spans a period of 10 to 15 years, from Tom’s and Maggie’s childhood up until their deaths in a flood on the Floss. Tom and Maggie have a close yet complex bond with a lot of ideological differences. Read the novel to know how the brother and sister reconciled all their past differences and how the death could not separate them from each other.
The original flavour of this classic has been carefully retained in this abridged version.
Author | George Eliot |
ISBN | 9789350831823 |
Pages | 14 |
Format | Hard Bound |
Language | English |
Publisher | Tiger Books |
ISBN 10 | 9350831821 |
‘The Mill on the Floss’ is a famous novel by George Eliot. The novel depicts the lives of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, a brother and sister growing up at Dorlcote Mill on the bank of the River Floss. The novel spans a period of 10 to 15 years, from Tom’s and Maggie’s childhood up until their deaths in a flood on the Floss. Tom and Maggie have a close yet complex bond with a lot of ideological differences. Read the novel to know how the brother and sister reconciled all their past differences and how the death could not separate them from each other.
The original flavour of this classic has been carefully retained in this abridged version.