A treatise on the tested remedies of a renowned Urdu astrological treasure. Based on the ancient astrological practices and the planetary system, this book espouses remedies to make the life of a person.
Author | Dr. Radhakrishan Shrimali |
ISBN | 9789356841581 |
Pages | 48 |
Format | Paperback |
Language | Oriya |
Publisher | Diamond Books |
Amazon | |
Flipkart | https://www.flipkart.com/lal-kitab-oriya/p/itm82185ed42a463?pid=9789356841581 |
ISBN 10 | 9356841586 |
A treatise on the tested remedies of a renowned Urdu astrological treasure. Based on the ancient astrological practices and the planetary system, this book espouses remedies to make the life of a person. ISBN10-9356841586