This is novel about the struggle for freedom. The author wants to rid society of crime, corruption, poverty and inflation. The novel moves at a fast pace. You can call it ” edge-of-seat ” story. The youth and housewives would love it.
Author | Abhishek Singh Khatwal |
ISBN | 9788128832628 |
Pages | 124 |
Format | Paper Back |
Language | English |
Publisher | Junior Diamond |
Amazon | http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-aliasstripbooks&field-keywords=Flying+HighAbhishek+Singh+Khatwal&rh=n283155kFlying+High\cAbhishek+Singh+Khatwal |
GooglePlay | https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Abhishek_Singh_Khatwal_Flying_High?id=qw3qAgAAQBAJ |
ISBN 10 | 812883262X |
This is novel about the struggle for freedom. The author wants to rid society of crime, corruption, poverty and inflation. The novel moves at a fast pace. You can call it ” edge-of-seat ” story. The youth and housewives would love it. ISBN10-812883262X
Children Books, Fiction Books, Short Stories