‘Mother’ by Maxim Gorky is a timeless masterpiece of Russian literature that delves into the lives of ordinary people during a period of political upheaval. The novel follows the journey of Pelageya Nilovna, a simple, downtrodden woman whose awakening to the injustices around her leads her to embrace the revolutionary cause. From a meek housewife, she sheds her fear and steps into the fight for justice. Pelageya’s love for her son fuels her courage to face brutality and hardship. Can a mother’s unwavering spirit change the tide of a nation?
“Mother” is considered one of the foundational texts of Russian literature.
About the Author
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936) a pioneering figure in Russian literature and a prominent voice of the early 20th-century revolutionary movement. Born Aleksei Maximovich Peshkov, he adopted the pseudonym “Gorky,” meaning “bitter,” to reflect his harsh early life experiences. Its status as a classic of Russian literature ensures its continued relevance and appeal to readers and scholars alike. Maxim Gorky’s skilful storytelling, vivid characters, and powerful themes have ensured the novel’s enduring popularity and relevance. Gorky’s characters are richly drawn and multi-dimensional, making them relatable and memorable to readers.
Weight | 0.645 g |
Dimensions | 21.59 × 13.97 × 3.4 cm |
Author | Maxim Gorky |
ISBN-13 | 9789356842915 |
ISBN-10 | 9356842914 |
Pages | 456 |
Format | Hardcover |
Language | English |
Publisher | Diamond Books |
Amazon | |
Flipkart | https://www.flipkart.com/mother/p/itmeztuejz2hwzhc?pid=9789356842915 |
Children Books, Fiction Books, Short Stories